
Welcome to our Pre-Packaged IVR demos

These demos are best viewed in 'full screen' mode. In most web browsers you can simply press the key on your keyboard.

  1. Use the guides in the lower half of the page to make sure the demos will work correctly.
  2. Note: If you are presenting this to someone else. Run through each of the examples beforehand. As all of the elements will load faster the second time around.
  3. Note: Please familiarise yourself with these online presentations before viewing them with an existing or potential customer. The act of pre-viewing the content will enable a rapid load of the elements in the future.
  4. Use the orange buttons at the top of the page to select the IVR you would like to view.

Welcome to the Xarios Interactive Voice Response (IVR) demo center.

Please use the instructions at the bottom of the page to ensure that the demos will work correctly before you start.

Post Call Survey

Queue Minder

Database IVR


Agent Routing

Test Audio